All is here now

I was recently commissioned to produce a new piece of acousmatic music for a sheffield-based project focussing on Furnace Park. The small patch of land, once home to an 18th Century foundry, was the subject of a sonic investigation and a sound-bank was created, involving recordings from in and around the park. My piece, Foundry Flux,…

MuSA in Karlsruhe

I recently presented a paper and piece at MuSA (Music and Sound Art) in Karlsruhe. Once again, the conference was a lot of fun, and included an interesting selection of papers on varied topics. My own paper considered the compositional methods employed in the creation of acousmatic, electroacoustic music, and questioned whether our discussion of…

EMS Conference in Sheffield

Adrian Moore and I recently hosted the Electronic Music Studies Network conference here in Sheffield. The conference coincided with Sound Junction and featured a keynote performance by Annette Vande Gorne and a keynote speech by Tatjana Mehner. Performances included works by Paul Fretwell, Dale Perkins, Neal Farwell, Alistair MacDonald, Robert Dow, Pete Stollery, alongside numerous…