Paper at MuSA in Karlsruhe

I’ve just returned from MuSA in Karlsruhe where I presented a paper called: Concrete or Concrète?: An Ontological Account of Acousmatic Music. See: The three-day event included a bunch of interesting papers, a couple of concerts and a lot of beer. I met some very interesting composers and performers and am looking forward to…

Interview on The One Show

I was interviewed on The One Show a few weeks ago, talking about… tuning forks! This was part of a longer documentary that traced the development and use of the tuning fork from John Shore’s original – in 1711 – to the present day, and included a visit to the last tuning fork factory in…

Interview on UNDÆ! Radio

A few months ago I travelled to Madrid to attend a conference at the Autonomous University of Madrid. While I was there, I was interviewed by Hertz Volta, Antony Maubert and Antonio Sánchez for UNDÆ! Radio. UNDÆ! are doing some great things for the promotion of new music/electroacoustic music, and I would urge you to…

Beyond Plasticity and Performance in Madrid

I recently attended Espacios Sonoros in Madrid – an excellent conference organised by Jose Luis Carles, Adoldo Nunez and Marisa Luceno (Departmento Interfacultative de Musica UAM). The event brought together composers, performers, architects, sound artists and scientists to engage in a discussion of space in sound and music and enjoy some concerts. The conference was…